How to Build Self Esteem in Women NOW!
Firstly, I want you to acknowledge that It is imperative to know how to build self-esteem in women and our children!.
“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your
love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found
anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve
your love and affection.”
― Gautama Buddha
This is the million-dollar question: How to build up women’s self-esteem?
Why do some women suffer from low self-esteem while others seem to have high self-esteem and everything else that go with it?
How to Build Self Esteem in Women!!
Have you asked yourself this question?
Secondly, to build self-esteem, you must overcome your emotional challenges, traumas, blind spots, and fears. They don’t serve you. Once you overcome these points, you can then master your emotions and your own life, helping you master your own future.
Thirdly, as a woman, every time we do not listen to our inner voice and fail to take action in something that we need to, we lose our self-respect and our trust in our abilities.
Fourthly, Self-esteem comes from our own positive imaging; it is something that we create for ourselves by using our thought processes. Our minds pick up all the things that we do wrong throughout our lives and compare them to others.
A Learned Behaviour
Firstly, Low self-esteem is a learned behaviour. The longer you experience it, the more it becomes part of your life. But it can be un-learned.
I have found that EFT and NLP are the most useful techniques to get rid of unwanted habits, traumas and fears; therefore, I use them in my sessions and get amazing and rapid results. Women with high esteem seem to have a high energy level; they know what they are doing. They look happy and comfortable with themselves. As a result of their perception of themselves and their life. They are coming across as confident. The way that we view ourselves directly affects everything we do and how we feel about ourselves. If we were to ask these confident women “how to boost women’s self-esteem or how to build a woman self-esteem? What would they say?
Maybe just believe in yourself and your abilities…
There are many ways to increase self-esteem in a woman.
What are the Causes of low self-esteem and How to build self-esteem?
Lack of Self-esteem might result from physical illness, stress or a general feeling of lack of control in life which can be related to traumatic childhood experiences and abandonment. As a trauma expert, I am here to help you and support you no matter how complicated your issues are.
Also, untreated depression and anxiety can also lead to low self-esteem. Women with low self-esteem usually develop a victim mentality, making it increasingly difficult to see the world positively.
Sometimes these women may need professional’s helps. In my experience, NLP and EFT have great results with low self-esteem.
45 Tips on how to build women’s self-esteem
- Firstly, seek out a company of positive people; it would help steer clear of negative people.
- Surround yourself with loving and supportive people who value you.
- Also, create an action plan, get clear and be specific.
- Find out who you really are. After that, find out your values, beliefs, and thoughts and challenge them, are they really serving? This is a great way to understand how to boost a woman’s self-esteem.
- Change your negative thoughts and limiting beliefs with positive ones.
- Begin to practice self-esteem fostering thoughts and behaviours. In other words, start believing in yourself.
- Take care of your appearance- when you look good, you feel better.
- Do something you are good at and teach others.
- Give yourself your own love. in other words, love yourself more than you would love your best friend, your family or your pet.
- Always remember you deserve the best.
- Forgive yourself.
- Socialising with others will give us opportunities to connect with other people.
- Accept yourself the way you are, she the greatness inside of you.
- Be comfortable with who you are and practise self-love.
- Learn about personal development and human emotions.
- Have small goals for yourself and take one step at a time.
- Be open, eager, and willing to learn.
- Feel the fear and do it anyway.
- Do not compare yourself to others; you do not know their journey.
- Change your inferiority mentality to an equal mentality.
- Ideally, every morning, count your blessings, it will help you start your day in a positive way.
- Be present, you cannot change the past and the future has not been written yet.
- Accept your situation and ask for help. in other words, asking for help is a sign of determination and courage. It means you are ready for positive change.
- Stop wasting time by watching lots of TV, surfing the net or feeling sorry for yourself, start creating and enjoying yourself.
- Do not pay attention to your negative thoughts, monitor them and let them know that you are not interested.
- Learn to channel your anger more positively.
- Begin making choices and decisions based on what you want, not what others want for you. It is your life, make the most of it.
- Know what your personal boundaries are and don’t allow others to take advantage of you or manipulate you.
- Look after your body; don’t rely on substances to soothe your emotions.
- Pay off your debts- it can drain your self-esteem.
- Increase your standards; begin to demand more of yourself in various areas of your life. Challenge yourself, get outside of your comfort zone.
- Look for your life purpose and passion.
- Repeat positive affirmations when you awaken and before you go to sleep, ensure to use your emotions with it.
- Share Your skills and abilities with others, it will increase your self-esteem.
- Read inspirational, empowering and uplifting books and quotes.
- Heal past emotional wounds- Seek the support of a trained therapist.
- Volunteer, when we support other people, we feel uplifted and valued.
- Start a daily exercise routine; it can be a brisk walk, yoga gentle, making you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.
- Get positive compliments from friends and family, you can ask them, “What do you like about me?”
- Create a Compelling Vision, use the power of your imagination to create your own reality.
- Rely on your own abilities instead of doubting them.
- Meditate or pray.
- Don’t take yourself and life too seriously, learn to laugh at yourself.
- Keep a diary of your achievements, above all give yourself a credit for them.
- Lastly, keep a diary of your happy moments and read them when you feel down.
Retreats and One to One Services
We have covered “how to build women’s self-esteem?” However, if you like to learn more about how to achieve high self-esteem, I suggest you check my retreats or one to one services. Always remember you deserve happiness and live your life fully.
In conclusion, It is paramount to know how to Build Self Esteem in Women.
Eda is a Subconscious Transformation Coach and Spiritual Awakening Guide.
She is also a two time International best-selling Author, NLP Master Practitioner, Accredited Certified Advanced EFT Master Trainer and Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Energy Healer, Crystal Healer, Personal Growth Expert, Reiki Master, and Spiritual Mystery school Guide.